How prepared is your beauty business for adhering to the new COVID-19 safety guidelines and business practices?
Corona is still a thing of our present times and our businesses and our worlds are still being effected daily by the disease. In order to help to ensure the best safety practices for the safety of the communities in which we serve, there are new federal and local laws that require businesses to do business differently.
For the state of Georgia, it is required that:
Personal protection equipment be worn (i.e. masks, smocks, face shields)
Clients must wear mask during their services.
It is suggested that client temperatures are checked and symptomatic questions are asked of each client every visit.
One on one salon visits if you can't maintain a 6 feet or more distance between clients.
Sanitize and disinfect surfaces after each client.
Now that it is required that beauty pros take a one on one approach to serving their clients, it is revealing to beauty pros how well they have been or have not been able to manage their time and scheduling clients. Many beauty pros are used to working with more than one client at a time, typically overbooking and creating longer than normal wait times clients. If this is you and you have not been managing your client schedule well prior to COVID-19 it is vital that you quickly learn how to manage your books. Why, because now clients are able to notice this even more, since it's also suggested that the client wait in their car if you are not ready to serve them at the appointed time.