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Get Clients To Find YOU!


Social media was once a place where people would just go to connect with family, friends, colleagues, or associates.

Over the past five plus years, many businesses have found it a great way to connect with potential clients or customers. For the average small business that don't have huge marketing dollars to reach their potential customers. It takes more time and effort to keep up with social media to reach and gain new clients without paying for ads on the social media platforms.

Often times I hear many beauty professionals complain about not wanting to post on social media to gain clients because it takes so much time, but yet they will scroll on social media for hours watching others. Social media is a great way to obtain clients or customers as I can attest to that myself. One of the reasons you may have landed on this blog is from it being posted on social media and directing you here. If you don't have the money to invest in ads, you must invest the time.

Here are two ways that you can get clients to find you if you feel burnt out by the social media race:

  1. GET A BOOKING APP!!! GET A BOOKING APP!!! Booking apps have so many advantages and one of them is that they allow your business to be searchable in search engines like google and yahoo. Potential clients are more hip to booking systems now because of other industry peers that may use them. So they go onto booking app sites like StyleSeat, Booksy, Genbook, to find beauty pros like yourself. They can simply type in the booking app search bar the service they are looking for and the city in which they are looking to service in. They will then browse the platform and pick a beauty pro of their choice. Most apps, may offer Tip: The more good client reviews you have on the platforms the higher you will rank in your city for that particular service.

  2. GET A WEBSITE! Your website is searchable in search engines. It is important to have it set up properly so that when clients put keywords in search engines like google, your company will come up by keywords that identify your business. Example, if your offer microlink installs, your website should have the world microlink within it serval times: as a service name, in the website title, etc.

Just like you get overwhelmed as a business with trying to keep up and post on social media to bring in new clients, clients get tired of scrolling social media to find your business as well. It can be overwhelming on either end and simply typing what you need in a search engine bar still works. I do it all the time and I'm sure you do too. But having these things in place is how clients can find you without you or them having to go through too much hassle.

But, no matter how great social media is or booking apps, your business deserve a home. Your website is your business home. Having a booking app is like having a room in your home, but should not be the only way for clients to find your business. So jump off social media and at least get a booking app if you don't get a website.

Make it easier for clients to find your business.

Watch this video about booking apps for more reasons on why you should have one. Need to compare booking apps? Grab our booking app comparison guide.



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