If you are self-employed, a gig worker, or contract worker, as of Monday, April 13th, you are now able to file for unemployment insurance. Deep breathe...that's what you are going to need to take before you begin the process of filing for unemployment insurance due to COVID-19. It's kind of a lengthy process and the online system that they have is not friendly when it comes to time. If you are not quick in your responses you will find that the system will kind of kick you out and make you go back to the beginning of the application process. But don't panic, it will save your responses up to the point of where the system got tired of waiting on you to gather the things you need to complete the application.
Here is some important information on what you may need before you sit down to complete the unemployment insurance (UI) application for your state.
Important Info
Must file for the regular UI
Wait for email for approval or denial and what the next steps are.
Follow next step instructions
Can't use Metabank or Greendot for direct deposits
You will have to register for Employment Services
What You Need
Social Security Number
Driver License or State Id number
Bank account routing and account number (savings or checking)
Employer pay rate from last job(s)
Employer name and address. (If self employed enter your company information.)
Your Start Date
Your last day of work
Your Job Title
Your Supervisor Name (If self-employed you may enter yourself.)
Proof of Wages
Name of person who laid you off.
Reason for the lack of work
Important COVID-19 Related Questions
Know the reason for not working for employer and be sure to select the most accurate to your situation. Review all the sections and their choices before selecting. Under Lack of work/Lay off/Downsizing you may answer employer temporarily laid me off because of COVID-19
For more details and information visit USDOL or your state‘s department of labor website.
Resource dol.georgia.gov