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10 Protective Styles for Your Braidless Install


Updated: Jul 11, 2020

Often times it is asked and many wonder if this “new” weaving method, the braidless sew-in or Microlink, a “protective style.” But let’s define “protective” style in the hair community. Often times protective styles are styles that help protect the natural hair strands, but may not expose or protect the actual scalp.

Shantastic’s ideal protective style is one that protects and help keeps the integrity of the hair strands and the scalp. Therefore making this type of styling the ultimate protective style.

Truth be told “protective” style is misconstrued as “lazy” style. Because many people truly just want to be lazy with their hair which leads to neglect of the hair and definitely the scalp!!! Without a healthy scalp you can’t breed healthy hair, just like a tree can’t grow through smothered of bad soil.

The Braidless install on this client was installed in a way that allowed her to have multiple styling and parting options.

LOOK 1 is a top knot bun with two low puffs. Simple yet cute and playful. With this look she could also wear the following styles:

☑️ two top knot buns.

☑️ two low buns.

☑️ two low puffs with a middle part.

☑️ two low puffs with a side part.

☑️ two cornrow or French braids with middle part.

LOOK 2 is just letting her curls flow freely with a simple half up half down look. With this look she could also try this look as:

☑️ One French braid.

☑️ 3 Bun Mohawk.

☑️ Half down with Bantu knots at top.

Photo inspirations below.

3 photos above credit to google.

LOOK 3 is a simple bun. This look could also be worn as:

☑️ A twisted pin up with curls hanging in front like a bang.

☑️ A wild fro ponytail.

LOOK 4 just let it all down and go with the flow.

Which look is your favorite?

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